An online marketplace for residential workspaces


Collaborative spaces working professionals actually want to go to.

Let’s face it. Most people don’t want to commute back to HQ regularly, if at all. But working from home has its limitations (*ahem* burnout, *cough* distractions).

And frankly, you’re probably not going to host a five-person meeting in your own living room. And isn’t it nice to see people in person once in a while?

With Radious, you can find a close-to-home workspace that’s small, private, and rentable by the day.

Book one for a meeting with a client, a team brainstorm, or just a change of scenery. 


Meet people where they are.

Most folks aren’t jazzed about the idea of commuting back to the office. But they do want to get out of the house, find healthier levels of work-life separation, and see coworkers again from time to time. So why not offer them a great place to work right around the corner from where they live?

Radious brings you great workspaces, distributed all across town.

  • Healthier levels of work-life separation

  • In safer,* in-person environments

  • With no/low commute

  • And on-demand flexibility

  • In spaces that are small and private

Find a unique workspace right in your neighborhood. Host a meeting with trusted colleagues, escape your WFH distractions, or just get some space.


*Yep, that’s right. Radious spaces are safer than pretty much any public building, from a COVID standpoint. Since they’re small and invite-only, you won’t be surrounded by a bunch of strangers like you would be in a corporate office or coworking space. Plus, we’ve got outdoor spaces to choose from, operable windows, and our listings even specify whether air filters have been upgraded to MERV 13 or HEPA.


The nature of work has changed

With more and more companies adopting remote and hybrid work policies for the long term, people are going to need a better place to work than their dining room table. Plus, while many people miss in-person collaboration, few are willing to commute long distances anymore.

Imagine walking three doors down to your neighbor’s “guesthouse-turned-office” and getting some work-life separation, some deep focus time, and some in-person interaction with a trusted pod of colleagues.

Think of Radious as distributed workspaces right in your neighborhood.


Have the best of both worlds


WFH and the traditional office both have their pros and cons. Radious spaces provide the best of both: The convenience, cost savings, and environmental benefits of WFH as well as the in-person collaboration and work-life separation of the traditional office.

That’s a serious win-win.

View our Portland, Oregon spaces here >

View our Milwaukee, Wisconsin spaces here >

Or join our “other cities” waitlist here >