3 Podcast Episodes About the Future of Work

Overwhelmed with all of the LinkedIn polls you’re seeing about returning to the office, reducing the workweek, and going hybrid? We get it. There’s a lot of information and opinions out there!

I recently listened to these three podcast episodes and believe they will help you:

  • Be a better remote/hybrid leader

  • Cultivate empathy and better relationships

  • Discover something you haven’t considered about the future of work

Give these eps a listen and let us know what you think on Twitter.

  1. Career Contessa - What a Year of WFH Has Done to Our Relationships at Work

    This quick podcast features Tess Vigeland from the Wall Street Journal podcast “As We Work” and discusses the Havard Business Review article What a Year of WFH Has Done to Our Relationships at Work. Tess shares her insight on how people are affected by not having short casual conversations and run-ins during work like at the traditional office.

    This episode made me wonder, were those short run-ins while you grab coffee in the employee kitchen all that important? Or were they as equally distracting as getting packages delivered, dealing with your barking dog, or doing a household chore in the middle of the day? And even if the conversations didn’t derail a whole hour, were they adding value to your workday? Or were they just a time where coworkers could trauma-bond and complain about something work-related? Managers like to think that these casual conversations build culture, but what if they’re not as important as some would think?

2. As We Work - Hybrid Work, the Big Quit, C-Suit Empathy: Pandemic Changes at Work

This new podcast by the Wall Street Journal covers what some are calling “the great rethink” about how we balance and consider our work and life holistically. The host and her guests, Nikki Waller and Chip Cutter also chat about how to track remote equity with analytics to ensure raises and promotions are given fairly. They also chat about the new confidence employees are showing when they ask early on in the hiring process about what they want from the companies they work for.

This episode had me thinking, how many years did Covid accelerate this transition and make us all stop and “rethink” how we were living our lives and working? And if employees are now gaining confidence and only accepting positions at companies that meet their needs, what sort of benefits are businesses going to need to stay competitive?

By the way, if you like this episode, I recommend the episode Goodbye Watercooler? Work Relationships in a Hybrid Age.

3. Workology - Building the Future of Work Remotely With Darren Murph

HR thought leader, Jessica Miller-Merrell sits down with remote work futurist Darren Murph to discuss how businesses can make the most of the competitive advantages of being a remote company. Darren talks about some key ideas on how companies can make the intentional decision to stay or go remote and how to build a culture around how people work, not just where people work.

This conversation was an informative level-set on how to totally reimagine how work can be done and the advantages businesses gain from utilizing a distributed team. As Darren says in the podcast, "If your business is tied to a geography, you are more at risk than a company which is remote or globally distributed - where businesses can, to a large degree, continue as usual no matter what is happening in the world."

What other resources are you engaging with to learn more about remote work and all of the facets of the future of work? Let us know on Twitter!


Written by Cassidy Johnston

Guest User