No travelers? No problem.


Were you just as shocked as I was by the number of travelers this summer? My vacation rental was really hopping! But given how cooped up folks have been for so long, it made sense that they would take their vacation time pretty seriously.

But now it’s September. Families are returning from summer vacation and kids are finally going back to school. If you’re anything like me, you’re bracing yourself for the dreaded Slow Season. Here in the Pacific Northwest, when the rain comes, the guests (and my STR income) depart. That’s just how it is.

But what if it didn’t need to be this way? What if I told you there was a way to not only sweeten the slow season but seriously make hosting easier too? What if there was an approach that could eliminate dismal bookings and bring in revenue year round? 

Goodbye Slow Season. Hello Radious.

I love hosting. I know how to do it well, I earn a great income and I can’t wait to do laundry over and over again. 

I’m kidding about the laundry part (but you already knew that because you probably feel the same way). Along with my laundry aversion, I also dread the inevitable drop in bookings during the winter. In 2020 (aka the slowest of all slow seasons)  I collaborated with a few creative, software developing friends to figure out what could be done to not only solve the aforementioned issues, but to build a platform for a new, emerging need. And together, we created Radious.

With the Radious platform you’re still a short-term host, but instead of overnight accommodations (aka lots of laundry), you provide great workspaces to working professionals by the day.

And guess what — traditional “slow season” is smack dab in the middle of Radious’ busy season.

Think about it! What are folks doing in the winter months when vacations are over? Right. They’re working. But in the past — outside of business travel — when vacation season dipped, we all just tightened our raincoats and accepted it.

Now with Radious, monetizing “work season” becomes an option.

With the recent global shift to remote work, many professionals are looking for an alternative to their work-from-home situations. Teams are looking for a safe place to meet up with colleagues privately, and most of them really don’t want to commute back to their company’s main office. 

Employees want cozy, close to home, and safe remote options, and companies are teaming up with Radious to provide that for them. 

Your current space might be a great fit for Radious as-is.

There are three main things working professionals are looking for:

  1. A safe place to meet with a trusted pod of colleagues

  2. A private office for solo, focused work

  3. Fast, reliable WiFi

So, do you have one or more of the following?

  • A great living room (even better if it has a TV that people can plug their laptops into for presentations)

  • A roomy dining room table that could be used for a board meeting

  • A desk or two for people to work at in comfortable chairs

  • An outdoor patio set (some folks still feel more comfortable meeting outside, even when it’s chilly out, so even better if it’s covered!)

Join The Rad 100 Club.


Being a Radious host is pretty simple, and the earlier you create a listing, the greater the rewards. First off, we’re offering the first 100 hosts who join the platform a free professional photo shoot of your space as well as a bunch of other special access benefits. 

The Rad 100 will have an honorary badge placed on their listing to proudly display that they were our very earliest supporters. While we have aspirations for Radious to one day be a global platform, this exclusive badge will forever honor those who believed in us from the start.

I’m excited for the so-called Slow Season. Usually I’d be bracing myself for an extended period of dreary weather, but this year I’m trading dryer sheets for sheets of printer paper and gearing up for what could be an exciting (and quite possibly lucrative) season for the hosting community.

I would truly love to hear what you think. Please shoot me an email at if you have any questions about hosting on Radious, and feel free to have a peek at some of our existing listings too. 

Here’s to big things coming!


HostingAmina Moreau